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ASW-28 Canopy Easy Access

ASW-28 Easy Access Sport Canopy 3D print Files (Volantex)


The Volantex ASW-28 glider is a great plane with an inconvenient canopy design. This 3D printed sport canopy makes access to the inside of the plane quick and easy without sacrificing aerodynamics or aesthetic appeal.

The files are supplied in both .stl and .3mf

This canopy is printed in two pieces and glued together. I like E6000 glue for this. Small clamps are helpful at the flanges. It was designed for single wall thickness printing without infill. I do 3 bottom layers, 1 perimeter layer and 3 top layers. Requires one or two cylindrical magnets with 1/4" diameter. A 1/4" magnet mounting hole is drilled in the fuselage to align with the magnet pocket at the back of the canopy. Glue magnets in the magnet holes. I use Shoe Goo for this. Alternately a small steel washer can be glued over the magnet pocket. Some trimming of the flange around the cockpit opening may be necessary for a good fit.

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